Category: Publishing


Poets & Writers Directory

I think every writer has little marks they’re striving to achieve. Something I’ve had my eye on for years is a listing in the directory of Poets & Writers. For those who are unfamiliar, Poets & Writers, Inc. is one...

Poem about grief 5

Out Today — Poem: Walk with Me

I have to confess something. It’s been years since I’ve submitted a piece to a literary journal. Wyoming has a new journal, so I submitted a poem yesterday for their first issue that comes out this fall. Duck Head Journal...

3 Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid 0

3 Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid

Self-publishing is a fast-growing part of the publishing world. It no longer carries the same stigma it once held. Many authors choose self-publishing for control that’s missing in the traditional publishing process. I’ve even heard of authors switching from traditional...


Warm Welcome from Winter Goose Publishing

The official announcement from Winter Goose Publishing went out this morning, and it was such a sweet welcome. I’m looking forward to sharing the process with all of you! The Winter Goose Publishing link in the sidebar on the right...