Mandie Hines Author Blog

Poem about grief 5

Out Today — Poem: Walk with Me

I have to confess something. It’s been years since I’ve submitted a piece to a literary journal. Wyoming has a new journal, so I submitted a poem yesterday for their first issue that comes out this fall. Duck Head Journal...


Struggles of a Writer

A friend told me there are two paths of struggle for creatives. Those who struggle within and those who struggle without. Internal Struggle There are people who get stuck in jobs, where they don’t get to pursue their passion and...

Poem about grief 3

Poem: Old Wounds

Old Wounds It’s August again, and while my mind is slow to remember, my body always knows this is the month you died. The tears come unbidden. Days go by where I don’t know why I’m so weepy. My eyes...

Sentence Length as a Tool for Writers 0

Sentence Length as a Tool for Writers

One of my favorite writing tricks has to do with playing with sentence length. There are different rules about sentence length related to reading difficulty and grammar. This post isn’t about either of those though. This is more for the...

3 Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid 0

3 Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid

Self-publishing is a fast-growing part of the publishing world. It no longer carries the same stigma it once held. Many authors choose self-publishing for control that’s missing in the traditional publishing process. I’ve even heard of authors switching from traditional...