Dusty Poems 24

Dusty Poems, a poetry series

The poem below is from the Dusty Poems series, a collection of poems I wrote many years ago, long before I knew how much of a force poetry would be in my life. I’ve enjoyed going through these old poems that contain a completely different voice and style than I write poetry now, but have been interesting to reflect on. I hope you enjoy them, too.

Actions acquired through negligence
For no other reason than self defense
And there is wonderment of why no one’s left
When people are gone and you’re growing deaf

All the thoughts in your mind run around free
And the rain is pouring down with a thundering beat
Not in a thought neither here nor there
Or in a life neither yours nor mine

Forgive me for myself

You can find the entire series of “Dusty Poems” here.

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3 Responses

  1. “Forgive me for myself”

    The end is going to be stuck with me for the rest of the day. Wonderfully written, and although I don’t get time to read all of them, I’m glad you’re sharing these poem with us.

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