Dusty Poems 15

The poem below is from the Dusty Poems series, a collection of poems that I wrote many years ago, long before I knew how much of a force poetry would be in my life. I’ve enjoyed going through these old poems that contain a completely different voice and style than how I write poetry now, but have been interesting to reflect on. I hope you enjoy them, too.

A poem about watching someone lose themselves.

Justify your life away
Stay a state of dream
Accomplish all you can
With your countless hours of internal thought
Imagine what your life would be
If you could only stop
Hours of thinking within the fog of your mind
Notice how your life is still messed up with the extra time
Introduce yourself to a series of lies
That explain why you continue on this path
Explain your morals and values to me
Thinking that eventually I will see
But all I see is you wasting away
Growing foggier every day
And as a haze you pass me by
Through tides of crumpled dreams
I see you as a shadow of who you used to be

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