Dusty Poems 9


Ages have we known each other
Time spent so well
Funny how memory shortens time
Ironic how time will stop when I see you
Regretful how I’ll forget what I wanted to say
Intriguing how I see your words in your eyes
Though your mouth seems to fail you
Lifelong friends we’ll always be
Even if never again we speak

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6 Responses

  1. This is so relatable and bittersweet! Mandie, you’re truly gifted with words. You make poetry seem so easy ad I’m enjoying this series.

  2. So heartfelt and bittersweet! I love these two lines in particular:

    “Funny how memory shortens time
    Ironic how time will stop when I see you”

    I love the pattern of them and how they flow together.

    • Mandie Hines says:

      I’m noticing a couple of things I liked to do with poetry during this time. First, I liked rhyming way more than I do now, but I’m surprised that I don’t have a firm requirement to rhyme even in these poems and some don’t have much rhyming at all. Then I noticed that I like to use words in lines back to back to play off each other as I did in this pair of lines. And finally, I realized that I liked to phrase things as the opposite of what you’d expect or in an unusual manner to impress upon a point. One line that immediately comes to mind is in a poem that won’t be shared for a while yet, says “scream softly as you can.” There are actually several such lines in that poem (it’ll be Dusty Poems 19 when it comes out), but I’ve noticed it in several other poems in this journal as I’ve read through it.
      Thank you so much for your kind words!

      • You’re very welcome!

        Those are very interesting observations. It’s always interesting to look back at previous work and see where you started, what’s remained the same, and what’s changed.

        “I like to use words in lines back to back to play off each other.” I love that sort of thing!

        “Scream softly as you can” is a great line. I’m looking forward to reading that piece. 🙂

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