Tagged: Words to Write By

A guide to the commonly misused words: taking vs. taken, quiet vs. quite vs. quit, advise vs. advice, and regardless vs. irregardless. 9

Words to Write By Part 8

The Words to Write By series is a quick reference to help explain the differences between commonly misused words. In this installment of Words to Write By, I’ll review taking vs. taken, quiet vs. quite vs. quit, advise vs. advice,...

A look at commonly misused words. 3

Words to Write By Part 7

“Words to Write By” is a series about commonly misused words that I started in July of last year. The more I read and write, the more words I come across to add to the series. I hope it provides...

Words to Write By Part 6 6

Words to Write By Part 6

Words to Write By Part 6 In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review Maya vs. Mayan, hole vs. whole, libel vs. slander, and patients vs. patience. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference...

Words to Write By Part 5 7

Words to Write By Part 5

In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review use vs. utilized, bear vs. bare, shuttered vs. shuddered, and breath vs. breathe. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference between commonly misused words. I’ve received suggestions...

Words to Write By Part 4 3

Words to Write By Part 4

In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review fiancé vs. fiancée, insure vs. ensure, alright vs. all right, and simultaneous vs. contemporaneous. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference between commonly misused words. I’ve received...