Tagged: Editing

Words to Write By Part 6 6

Words to Write By Part 6

Words to Write By Part 6 In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review Maya vs. Mayan, hole vs. whole, libel vs. slander, and patients vs. patience. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference...

Words to Write By Part 5 7

Words to Write By Part 5

In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review use vs. utilized, bear vs. bare, shuttered vs. shuddered, and breath vs. breathe. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference between commonly misused words. I’ve received suggestions...

Words to Write By Part 4 3

Words to Write By Part 4

In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review fiancé vs. fiancée, insure vs. ensure, alright vs. all right, and simultaneous vs. contemporaneous. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference between commonly misused words. I’ve received...

Words to Write By Part 3 12

Words to Write By Part 3

In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review who’s vs. whose, whet vs. wet, compliment vs. complement, and fazed vs. phased. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference between commonly misused words. I’ve received suggestions...