Tagged: Death

Flash Fiction 3

Flash Fiction

A flash fiction piece to start your day. Enjoy! From the mountaintop, Sven shook the last of the ashes from the urn. He stood with a mouthful of regret. Regret that his mouth was open when a perfectly-timed squall came up...

Out Today — Three Poems 0

Out Today — Three Poems

I feel fortunate to announce the publication of three of my poems today. They are available for reading at Scarlet Leaf Review. “The Things I Regret Forgetting,” is a poem I wrote recently about the loss of my grandfather. It...

Heavyhearted 2


Today, I have something different to share with you. It is a piece about my personal struggle with death. Over a decade ago, I lost three grandparents in under two-and-a-half years. I didn’t have time to cope with the loss...