Tagged: Creative Writing

Challenge of Writing Happy Poems 9

Challenge of Writing Happy Poems

I’ve recently found myself in a few conversations about happiness and poetry. More specifically about whether I plan to write poetry about happier things. Coincidentally, just before that, I’d been thinking about why I write poetry. It all began with...

Poem: Inkwell 9

Poem: Inkwell

Lines trail out my veins, along my skin and down my arms, razor-sharp across my wrists pooling, spooling in my hands. I pluck the line, wrap it gently into words, swooping them across the page exposing on paper what my...

Poem: The Things I Regret Forgetting 17

Poem: The Things I Regret Forgetting

I recorded “The Things I Regret Forgetting” just a month after starting this website with the intent of sharing it here. On a whim, before posting it, I submitted it to a literary magazine, and they accepted it. It appeared in The...

Research and Fiction 13

Research and Fiction

When it comes to writing a fiction novel, not everyone may realize the amount of research that goes into it. While a fiction story is made up, it is based on a common world we share. That means that while the...