Tagged: Commonly Misused Words

Words to Write By Part 3 12

Words to Write By Part 3

In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review who’s vs. whose, whet vs. wet, compliment vs. complement, and fazed vs. phased. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference between commonly misused words. I’ve received suggestions...

Words to Write By Part 2 8

Words to Write By Part 2

Welcome to the second part of “Words to Write By.” You can find the first installment of this series here. In the first “Words to Write By,” I reviewed peak vs. peek vs. pique, further vs. farther, blonde vs. blond,...

Words to Write By 11

Words to Write By

The English language is a complicated, confusing, and ever-evolving mechanism. Word meanings are changing all the time, so it’s easy to see why it’s difficult to keep the use of different words straight. Especially given the number of homophones we...