Category: On Writing

Take Time to Celebrate 9

Take Time to Celebrate

“Every writer has an editor who tries to strangle the writer before he ever gets started.” Craig Johnson, the author of the Longmire series and a Wyoming resident, said this at a talk I attended. I scribbled it down in my...

Sharing in the Joy 3

Sharing in the Joy

I had the pleasure of celebrating with some local authors today. It is inspiring and moving to watch authors fulfill their dream of having their work appear in print, and I thought I would share their accomplishments with all of...

Words to Write By Part 3 12

Words to Write By Part 3

In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review who’s vs. whose, whet vs. wet, compliment vs. complement, and fazed vs. phased. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference between commonly misused words. I’ve received suggestions...

For the Love of Writing 5

For the Love of Writing

I often write about how to get through different writing obstacles by sharing my own struggles. I give writing tips, because I love helping other people, and one of the best ways to learn and remember something, is by teaching...

Worry About It Later 8

Worry About It Later

I have this special gift. If there’s an obstacle to writing, I will find it, give it a name, and then trip on it and fall on my face. It comes naturally, I don’t have to work at it. The...