Category: Editing

Words to Write By 11

Words to Write By

The English language is a complicated, confusing, and ever-evolving mechanism. Word meanings are changing all the time, so it’s easy to see why it’s difficult to keep the use of different words straight. Especially given the number of homophones we...

Writer’s Block 25

Writer’s Block

Here it is, the frequent topic that plows its way through every writer’s life. Writer’s block has to be every writer’s worst nightmare, and I’ve read many different views on writer’s block from ways to get through it to complete...

Chapter Map 22

Chapter Map

I am a visual person. In the way I learn, work through problems, consume books, and comprehend things. I enjoy the audio part of experiences, but the visual is more important for me. So recently I started contemplating how to...

Manuscript Formatting 8

Manuscript Formatting

Whether submitting to literary magazines, agents, or publishers, one of the most important things to address before submitting is the formatting. The first rule for manuscript formatting is that you need to read the guidelines for the place you’ll be...

Character Names and Nicknames 10

Character Names and Nicknames

A common error in writing revolves around the use of a character’s name and their nicknames in a story. Luckily this is a simple problem to track down and fix, and once you know what the problem is, it’s quite...